In the NZ Herald on the 15th January 2016 there was an article about some Health and Safety Training Companies cold calling on businesses with the suggestion that they are needed to keep companies out of jail.
Within the article, some of the Training Companies were labelled as “cowboys” and being unscrupulous by them taking advantage of some confusions relevant to the new Health and Safety at Work legislation.
Besafe Training distances itself from such behaviour and considerations and we proudly say so.
Since September 2015 we have been saying in our newsletters there is no need to panic regarding the new legislation.
We agree that the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015 has its challenges and there are going to be times when there will be periods of unsurety and misunderstanding.
Besafe Training has studied the new legislation and have had a meeting with Worksafe New Zealand. We are satisfied that Worksafe NZ will work collaboratively with business to bed in the new legislation.
It is unfortunate that these “cowboys” are promoting the increased penalties under the Act. It is true they are substantial but Courts must be governed by the principles as detailed in the Sentencing Act 2002. It is rare that Courts impose maximum penalties. Courts will listen to submissions made to it and from there penalties are imposed. It would take a grave and serious offence for maximum penalties to be imposed. History has proven that time and time again.
Besafe Training has been working on an amalgam of training, policies and procedures, employment agreements and consultation to assist business to implement best standards in Health and Safety. As long as business can show it is working conscientiously to improve Health and Safety there will be few enforcement issues.
Where trouble will be, is with employers and employees who treat Health and Safety with little regard.
The emphasis is on taking practical and soon to be reasonable steps to ensure Health and Safety in the workplace causes no harm, Besafe Training can assist in cost effective consultancy to assist business along a Health and Safety roadmap that in law is most acceptable.

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