(Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021
The Code of Practice 2021 outlines guidance and process for student safety and wellbeing within tertiary education organisations, the Code outcomes 1-4 apply to all tertiary learners (students).
Code Outcomes
- A learner wellbeing and safety system
- Learner voice
- Safe, inclusive, supportive, and accessible physical and digital learning environments
- Learners are safe and well
Student Support Coordinator
We have a dedicated Student Support Coordinator at our head office available to address any needs and queries from students and staff pertaining to the Code – if you have any needs or queries, please phone 0800 333 899 or ask the tutor and ask to speak to the student support coordinator.
View the Code
The Education (Pastoral Care of Tertiary and International Learners) Code of Practice 2021 is at the link below:
BSTL is not a signatory to the code pertaining to international learner enrolment; as a result, BSTLs response is primarily towards Outcomes 1-4 in the Code. We will work to help ensure that students are:
- safe, physically, and mentally
- respected and accepted for who they are
- supported in their learning and wellbeing
- connected with their social and cultural networks and
- able to have their say in decisions about services
Organisational Self-Assessment feeding into Staff Development and Procedure
- Students are regularly surveyed as part of self-assessment evaluation towards identifying pros, cons and improvements to service delivery
- Tutors are regularly surveyed as part of self-assessment evaluation towards identifying pros, cons and improvements for their role
- Continuous improvements are incorporated into process/practice via procedural change and/or staff coaching and feedback ongoing
BSTL has organisational self-assessment practices including surveys and dedicated staff to address student voice and student safety; including, surveys, entry and selection process and post student engagement. We utilise these self-assessment practices towards measuring our performance under the code to 3 strategic priority markers:
Strategic Priority 1 – Service delivery for inclusivity and diversity
The more included we feel the more likely they we are to learn and achieve.
- Enrolment: enrolments are received into a process that notes relevant aspects of language, gender, culture, ethnicity, impairment, disability
- Access: students are made aware of student support information while they are with us should they need such
- Delivery: tutors are trained to incorporate learning styles into delivery to liaise with a student support coordinator where identified
- Assessment: student assessment style/diversity will be accommodated as best as possible within course requirements
- Post study: students will be engaged post study to allow another opportunity for feedback on service
- *Tutors are trained in generic aspects of cultural and learning diversity as well as ESOL delivery; including Te Tiriti o Waitangi, mātauranga Māori and te reo Māori
- Ongoing evaluation of this priority in organisational self-assessment utilises feedback (and any complaints/incidents) towards continuous improvement
Strategic Priority 2 – Safe, supportive, and accessible learning environments
Safety and wellbeing are paramount wherever we learn.
- Access: students are made aware of student support information (including noting complaints and incidents) while they are with us should they need such
- Delivery environment (physical and digital): student and tutor safety is monitored ongoing in the delivery environment, tutors are trained to incorporate and liaise with a student support coordinator where identified
- Post study: students will be engaged post study to allow another opportunity for feedback on service
- *Tutors are trained in generic aspects of delivery environmental (physical and/or digital) safety for students
- Ongoing evaluation of this priority in organisational self-assessment utilises feedback (and any complaints/incidents) towards continuous improvement
Strategic Priority 3 – Respectful collaboration and communication
We make progress more effectively when we help each other.
- Enrolment: enrolments are received into a process that engages students to elicit the information required to help ensure they can be successfully supported
- Access: students are made aware of student support information while they are with us should they need such, and that they should let us know when they need help
- Delivery: tutors are trained to incorporate dialogue with students and identify areas that can be supported and to liaise with a student support coordinator where identified
- Assessment: student assessment style/diversity will be accommodated as best as possible within course requirements
- Post study: students will be engaged post study to allow another opportunity for feedback on service
- *Tutors are trained in generic aspects of cultural and learning styles and diversity
- Ongoing evaluation of this priority in organisational self-assessment utilises feedback (and any complaints/incidents) towards continuous improvement